
I'm currently a final year Computer Engineering student at Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune.

I successfully completed my Google Summer of Code 2017 project contributing to the open-source project LibreHealthEHR. I have also done a semester long (Jul'18 - Dec'18) Software Development Internship at TomTom, Pune.

I have experience working on REST APIs, API Security ( Oauth 2.0, JWTs), Backend Development and Machine Learning. I have working knowledge of DevOps (Docker, AWS) too.

I'm proficient in Java and Python. I'm also familiar with JavaScript, PHP, C/C++. Some frameworks I've worked with include Flask (Python), Laravel (PHP), Jersey (Java).

I'm open to new oppurtunities. Feel free to contact me through Linkedin or through mail prasadnilesh96@gmail.com for any collaboration! Here is my Resume.